Our Projects
Beauty & Glory, Clothes &們答 Nobility
      &nb時視sp; 492


Quantity: 80-100 

Size: 800-1000㎡


Kong Family Mansion is the historical r友聽esidence of the direct descendan鄉相ts of Confucius. It indi筆小cates the core of anci輛分ent Chinese noble life in Ming- 紙了Qing Dynasty.

There are eight thousand clothes co文訊llected in the Confucius Family Mansion煙中. Most of them h鄉話ad hundreds of years old, the 就鐘oldest ones came from Ming 討書Dynasty, five hundred y綠還ears ago.

Confucius Family Mansion Clothes mat冷高erial is various which incl視現uding crepe, silk, sa媽線tin, enamel, yarn. The 但體variety of clothes tec光體hnique including e畫票mbroidery, silk, 歌車hand-painted, dy在報ed is wide. The collection al理師so includes different type但不s which used on dif微窗ferent occasions s化務uch as formal w關分ear, semi-formal wear, informal we大那ar, casual wear.

Exhibit indicate the etiquette behin風數d patterns. At the sam微小e time, we use it a舊錯s a key to introducing the兵北 hierarchy in traditional China. By木飛 showing these clothes, help the audi個都ence to understand the beauty of C舊我hinese clothes and舊生 the clothing cultu著這re. The last part車就 of the exhibit will di地朋scover the potentia習信l of Confucius Family問又 Mansion Clothes whic黑水h can affect to Modern費草 fashion. Give the地河 future to the past.店資


The exhibit will b懂空e including the interactive even學不t like fashion des線業igning, the foru會聽m of Chinese ancie月妹nt etiquette and ‘try it’.

There will also be so靜姐me academic lectures and wor好那kshop.